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6 Ways to Spot Menopause Misinformation from Dr. Nanette Santoro

Dr. Nanette Santoro’s wisdom

If you’ve been connected to Women Living Better (WLB) for a while, the name Nanette Santoro will ring a bell. Dr. Santoro has been a WLB advisor since we began.

As a healthcare provider and a prolific researcher (700+ publications), Dr. Santoro brings valuable perspectives to issues. She’s brilliant and balanced. We have shared her wisdom in many of our newsletters and in many places on our website.

Dr. Santoro recently wrote an “expert view” post, Menopause Misinformation Is Everywhere. Here’s How to Detect It, on the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) website that we think is worth a read.

Here we share three quotes to give you a flavor and a link to the article for those who want to read it. We also share links to a video discussion we had with Dr. Santoro about treatments for hot flashes and night sweats and a spot-on critique she did about research on menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) below.

For those of us with a symptomatic perimenopause, we can feel desperate for remedies that will help us feel like ourselves again. And there has been an explosion of people and products jumping in with claims to suggest they will do just that. But, we need to be wary. Dr. Santoro’s piece holds good advice about how to be smart about what we see and hear.

If you’re over 40, you may hear that hormones are the cure for anything that ails you.
It’s easy to be persuaded by charismatic influencers, glowing testimonials, and cute product packaging. The more controversial and passionate a message is, the more “viral” it becomes.
As you read, keep this in mind: Be skeptical of any over-the-top promises or quick fixes. All health treatments come with benefits and risks, and there are no guarantees. Look for balanced recommendations.

More from Dr. Nanette Santoro

A video from our Interviews with Experts Series.  Treatments for Vasomotor Symptoms

A critique about recent research on Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT): A perspective on menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) research

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