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2016: Kick-off survey establishes a clear need for better information about perimenopause
Our "kick-off survey" seeks to determine if there is a need for better perimenopause information. We get an overwhelming YES from women ages 35-80 by way of 430+ responses in 3 weeks. Women Living Better begins.
2018: Launch of
The WLB site is launched with "Learn" and "Take Action" sections offering an explanation of the hormonal fluctuations that take place and the symptoms that can results, often before periods are noticeably different.
2019 May: The Today Show
Nina discusses perimenopause with Maria Shriver on The Today Show.
2019 September: Research Collaboration begins
A research collaboration begins with Nancy Woods, PhD and Marcie Richardson, MD to investigate the earliest part of the path to menopause, the Late Reproductive Stage.
2020 March: WLB Survey begins
Our 2nd survey the "WLB Survey" included 3,000 women ages 35-55. It captured many aspects of their experience on the path to menopause. We set out to compare experiences before and after significant menstrual cycle changes and to understand experiences with healthcare and the impact of stress from roles and responsibilities associated with midlife.
2020 September: Poster Prize Winner
Early findings from our first research paper are presented at The Menopause Society's annual meeting and wins the Poster Prize!
2021: Menopause Society’s Media Award
Nina was the recipient of the Media Award from The Menopause Society.
2021: Book chapter in Each Woman’s Menopause — An Evidence-Based Resource
Nina authors book chapter titled "Women's Voices: The Lived Experience of the Path to Menopause" in Each Woman’s Menopause: An Evidence-Based Resource. (Springer December 2021; Patricia Geraghty, Editor)
2022: Spanish and Armenian versions of WLB launched
With the generous support of Our Bodies Ourselves, core portions of the WLB site are translated into Spanish and Armenian for increased access.
2021 – 2023: 7 papers published in peer-reviewed journals
The LRS team wrote 8 papers based on analysis from the WLB survey. Six were published in Menopause and one in the Journal of Women's Health.
2024: Lancet article cites WLB as a new digital tool
Lancet article: a “new tool…designed to empower women to recognise, understand, and manage their own menopausal symptoms through digital technology [by] provid[ing] evidence-based, realistic, and clear information about the menopause transition and its symptoms, including stories from women with lived experience and information about treatment options”.