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Is this related to perimenopause?

There are so many changes that occur as we approach 40. But, because normal aging and reproductive aging happen simultaneously, it’s hard to know what is caused by which. And as we’ve said so many times, this phase in our lives is wildly under-researched. Wildly under-understood. But, we are the most knowledgeable about changes to our own bodies and minds, our reactions, emotions, etc …

So — elsewhere on the Women Living Better site —we asked, what other symptoms have you experienced that you think might be related to hormonal changes?  

[We specified: we’re looking for input on symptoms besides the better-known ones like night sweats, hot flashes, disrupted sleep, mood changes, headaches, low libido and heavier flow.]

Why did we ask this?

  • to gather our collective lived experiences (and perhaps fill in some of that vast knowledge gap about our midlife health)
  • to consider directions for future research
  • to contemplate the totality of the factors related to this midlife reproductive transition
  • to share these back with you, our community, so when others have had similar experiences — you know you aren’t the only one!

This is what we heard.

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We're specifically looking for input on symptoms aside from the better-known ones like night sweats, hot flashes, disrupted sleep, mood changes, headaches, low libido and heavier flow.

See more WLB community polls and what others have shared here.

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