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Optimize your Healthcare Visit — Create your Perimenopause Snapshot

The combination of many symptoms arising at once, little research about this phase of our lives and time-pressured appointments, can be a recipe for unsatisfactory healthcare interactions during perimenopause.

The Perimenopause Snapshot Tool is based on what many have shared about their healthcare interactions, our own experiences and the input of our advisors  — menopause healthcare providers. We hope it leads to more satisfying healthcare visits.

Click on the image below to access the tool and create your perimenopause snapshot.


And if you need to find a new healthcare provider to partner with you through the menopause transition, we’ve got some ideas for you here.


One more thing …

If you can, please support our work with a small donation.

Your support allows us to create more supportive tools, conduct more research and change the way perimenopause is experienced by us and those that come after us — it’s time!