This is a more glam, mainstream article than we usually pass on, but we are sharing it because it echoes three messages that we hear repeatedly in women’s personal accounts. We think they are worth repeating. 1.“I think feeling anxious is part of the human condition; we’ve all experienced it…
A founding idea behind Women Living Better was that women sharing their experiences would help other women. We believed it would be reassuring if we knew that the things we were noticing were happening to others too. And it’s working! You have been sharing and today, we are sharing back. We…
Menopausal anxiety and feelings of overwhelm begin for many women during the menopause transition. We loved this interview with Jo Mosley, who learned to surf in her 50s after menopausal anxiety knocked her confidence. An excerpt: What drove you to get involved with fitness? Desperation! I was not sleeping and…