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Anxiety, dizziness and other brain-originating changes women report

A founding idea behind Women Living Better was that women sharing their experiences would help other women. We believed it would be reassuring if we knew that the things we were noticing were happening to others too.

And it’s working! You have been sharing and today, we are sharing back. We hope it helps.

These quotes and data come from a question on the site about symptoms other than the more commonly reported ones like disrupted sleep, changes to cycles and bleeding, more headaches, and sore breasts.

Today we report on brain-related and mood changes

We’ve also created a category called “temp flux” that includes feeling cold/chilled easily. It’s not just hot flashes and night sweats! And many women’s quotes reflect more than one thing.

Comments and quotes from women


Anxiety or just a chronic feeling of anxiousness during the day, and then it will wake me through the night.

Feeling like you can’t calm down on the inside. Sort of the same feeling when you are in flight or flight mode from being afraid (best way I can describe it).

I am so glad to have found this site. My whole life is disrupted with dizziness anxiety headaches. I don’t drive alone anymore.


Broken train of thought and feeling discombobulated – sometimes like I’m a little bit drunk. Can’t think clearly, feeling dizzy having bed spin feelings.

Episodes of vertigo.


Not precisely hot flashes, but my feet and hands feel sweaty when they never did before.

Hot feet at night!

I’m almost 51 … most recently, I’ve been experiencing heat intolerance and an inability to regulate my body temp (I easily overheat and cannot cool down).

Extreme temperature changes — sweating, then temp drops to 92-93 degrees.


Brain fog seems to be extreme for me.  I normally forget little and stay very organized, but I’m not myself anymore.  This is extremely frustrating and very concerning. I’m a professional and feel like I’ve been compromised.


Intense irritability and sensory issues like get overwhelmed by too many stimulants (noise, etc)

My “mood changes” actually have become rage. I don’t get simply angry or annoyed I become enraged and it’s not just during PMS or my period, it’s very frequent.

I am cold instead of hot. I do get hot flashes but they are far and few between. I am 49 and I stay tired all the time with low energy could this be normal?


I am either extremely mad or I cry at everything.

Dizziness. Bouts of crying. Anxiety.


Second guessing myself about things I am usually confident about.

I had been running global projects for years and I suddenly found myself struggling to make decisions, I was filled with self-doubt. Lost so much confidence in myself.  Also had this underlying fear of so many things.

Data from women

If you haven’t yet, consider sharing your experience here. Or on one of these polls; for common symptoms, other symptoms and mood specific symptoms.

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