
waking at night

Disrupted sleep – women share

Many, many women experience disrupted sleep as hormonal patterns change. Here we share quotes and results from our on-site short survey on sleep. Quotes from women I agree with alcohol sensitivity. I crave it before my period and it makes me 3 times worse when I do drink before bed….


Anxiety, dizziness and other brain-originating changes women report

A founding idea behind Women Living Better was that women sharing their experiences would help other women. We believed it would be reassuring if we knew that the things we were noticing were happening to others too. And it’s working! You have been sharing and today, we are sharing back. We…

changes relieving perimenoopause symptoms

Changes Improving Perimenopause Symptoms

These lifestyle changes are making WLB community members feel better. I have noticed with increasing my exercise program from just walking daily to adding in 2 cardio classes and 1 strength training class that my circulation is better, my headaches are less, my energy and sleep have improved. I eat…

brain fog in menopause

A Surgeon’s Brain in Menopause

In this article Leslee Jaeger, MD shares her experience with brain fog. “Menopause also brings experience. I have been in the operating room more than 30 years and encountered a vast majority of complications as well as altered anatomy”.       You can find other women’s perimenopause stories here and…