Mainstream coverage

not ashamed

My hormones went off a cliff – and I’m not going to be ashamed

This article from the Guardian by Kate Muir begins with a statement that is cause for celebration: We are witnessing a tipping point: the rise of Menopause Power: a growing activist movement that will change the Change in the same way that Period Power fought period poverty and stigma. When…

perimenopause going mainstream

Perimenopause is going mainstream — It’s about time!!!

In this New York Times piece, “Why Is Perimenopause Still Such a Mystery?” author Jessica Grose hits on one of the biggest problems about this time in our lives, the “undiscussability” of this normal —but sometimes disruptive — life phase. But looking at the medical and cultural understanding of perimenopause through…

Perimenopause Symptoms and Remedies

Another NY Times Piece: Brief Overviews on Symptoms and Treatment

We just love seeing all of this mainstream coverage of perimenopause! Our favorite part of this article is related to mood symptoms as we think these are the most overlooked or least regularly attributed to perimenopause. It’s nice to see the validation. “Depression and anxiety really become a thing in…

menopausal transition

The Menopausal Transition: Mainstream Coverage That Gets A Lot Right

Menopausal transition coverage in mainstream media isn’t always the most accurate with respect to scientific research and clarifying what’s not yet known — two things we think are really important. This recent article from Oprah Magazine does a good job — except for the definition of menopause. Here are four truths…

michelle obama on menopause

Michelle Obama on Women’s Health: We Need to Talk about It

I think our generation has an opportunity to send a different message to the generations that follow us.  —Michelle Obama, The Michelle Obama Podcast, Episode 3 In the third episode of her new podcast, Michelle Obama takes on the importance of talking about women’s health — particularly transitions and body changes. …

menopause transition

A Super-Thorough Menopause Transition (aka perimenopause) Overview

Hats off to Robin Henig for one of the most accurate, comprehensive pieces about the menopause transition we’ve seen in a while. She correctly points out that changes can start early — 40s for most, but mid-30s for some — and that it’s hormonal fluctuations, not declining estrogen, that cause…

anxiety menopause

Lorraine Kelly opens up about bouncing back from the menopause

This is a more glam, mainstream article than we usually pass on, but we are sharing it because it echoes three messages that we hear repeatedly in women’s personal accounts. We think they are worth repeating. 1.“I think feeling anxious is part of the human condition; we’ve all experienced it…